28 January 2010

Dark Space

week 1

week 2: In film, a Bird's eye shot refers to a shot looking directly down on the subject. The perspective is very foreshortened, making the subject appear short and squat. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasise the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. These shots are normally used for battle scenes or establishing where the character is. It is shot by lifting the camera up by hands or by hanging it off something strong enough to support it. For a scene that needs a large area shot, then it will most often likely to be lifted up by a crane or some other sort of machine.

2nd Year Drawing & Painting and Intermedia Exhibition - Electric Blanket

Beavis & Butthead

23 January 2010

the fullness of absence

it's funny how you
lose yourself
and find yourself
at the same time

Being in the wild, being in the big open space is like being surrounded by deep space and deep time, to a point where your scarcely exist any more and, for some bizarre reason, this is an incredibly good feeling.

if anything it's an attack on myself.
  1. maybe there's some karma in giving things up
  2. maybe you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette

20 January 2010

We Have a Map of the Piano

Part I
East Neuk
Owen Ramsay
Owen Ramsay
Owen Ramsay
Part II

Owen Ramsay
last four photographs taken by Owen Ramsay
Part III
Loch Leven, then back to the big smoke


15 January 2010

window of talent

"I resisted everything except temptation."
-Oscar Wilde

This Morning 4th Year

i don't like the word sabotage. it makes you feel like you've totally destroyed something which isn't yours.

14 January 2010

Tom Jones

Pure tight leather bronze skin Tom Jones

13 January 2010

Well You'll Just Have To Wake Him Up Now, Won't You?

every image we've thought about in the last two days
alberto balsam
beavis and butthead
bring out the gimp
sex predator
glossy pink
lion bar


Last August I worked on the poster for a friends film entitled "Stiff" which charged a theme of concealed eroticism and ultimately, necrophilia.
final poster

12 January 2010