25 September 2010


I am doing a bit of screenplay writing at the moment. Hours of film is being watched on a daily basis and scribbles turn into more confident marks and drawings. Things are being planned and scaled and organised and maybe I'll have something to be excited about soon. In this Japanese commercial there are a few interesting elements the great Wes Anderson continues to celebrate. Elements which I'd be keen to explore. And yes that is Brad Pitt.

24 September 2010


At the time of release in 1970, this film had been called "one of the most extraordinary disasters in modern cinematic history."
3 minutes into this clip, however, plays one of the most extraordinarily brilliant endings to a feature I have ever seen.

Zabriskie Point
Michelangelo Antonioni
Music by Pink Floyd

n.b. Zabriskie Point is a part of Amargosa Range located in east of Death Valley in Death Valley National Park in the United States noted for its erosional landscape. It is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago — long before Death Valley came into existence.